How Rocket Health Helps Indian Men With Their ED/PE 🍌

Reviewed by Dr. Ratan Kumar, MBBS, MS
Last Updated Sep 12, 2023

Why does ED/PE happen?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) or premature ejaculation (PE) are lifestyle disorders that affect a person’s reproductive health. Men who suffer from both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation may show signs of impaired penile vascular flow, high cardiovascular problems, anxiety, and depression.

Need to choose the right option:

Each person has a unique history and physiology and so should be their treatment plan. Though there are many solutions available in the market, please do not consider the options that have no research evidence backing them up. In the long term, such quick fixes do more harm than good.

At Rocket Health, our medical healthcare professionals only provide treatment options that are research-backed and medically certified. Here is what happens when a patient approaches us.

Step 1 - Online Assessment and History

A meticulously curated form will be provided to you to understand your problem in detail. It will ask questions related to your history, comorbidities, duration of the symptoms and so on.

The reasons for doing this are:

  • Your doctor won’t miss out on any relevant information that will be crucial in treating your problem.
  • All your detail will be comprehensively recorded at one place so that you and your doctor can refer to it whenever needed.

Step 2 - Online Consultation with a Sexual Health Doctor

Our team of surgeons, psychiatrists and sexual health psychologists have an experience of over 20 years.

You can book a private call with your doctor who will guide you through the treatment process.

After understanding your symptoms, they will prescribe you medication (if needed) or suggest you to start therapy (if psychological issues are causing ED, PE or both).

Step 3 - Personalised Treatment Plan

Your doctor will develop a holistic treatment plan that includes lifestyle adjustments, diet changes, exercises and other steps.

If prescribed, Rocket Health can help you with discreet delivery of medication at the comfort of your doorstep. You can also opt for home diagnostic option, if your doctor has advised you to get specific tests done (urine, blood and so on).

Step 4 - Support from the Care Team

If you have doubts while you are undergoing the treatment, you can always get in touch with our care team. All your queries will be answered by our team members who are available 24*7 for you on WhatsApp.

Step 5 - Results

The treatment plan lasts for 9-12 weeks when followed properly. Our patients have seen the desired results and have successfully overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE).

Get help from trusted doctors!

We make it simple to access help from real doctors for sexual health. No more in-person awkward conversations and judgements.

  • Connect with doctors - 25+ years of experience
  • Get holistic treatment - no fad pills
  • Unlimited care team messaging
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❔ Expert Q&A

Can erectile dysfunction be cured?

By Dr. Ratan Kumar
MBBS, MS | 20+ years of experience

Yes, the problem of erectile dysfunction can be cured. The best way to cure ED is to find what are the main causes (physiological, psychological, and so on) and find the right treatment plan for it.

For how long do I have to take medicines for erectile dysfunction?

By Dr. Anupam Ranjan
MBBS, MS | 15+ years of experience

The treatment plan lasts for at least 9-12 weeks. Medicines alone cannot treat the problem of ED and you need to follow a holistic treatment plan (including diet and exercise) to overcome the problem.

How to do the Kegel exercise?

By Dr. Ratan Kumar
MBBS, MS | 20+ years of experience

Here is a blog that explains the process in detail

Can Kegel exercise cure my ED completely?

By Dr. Anupam Ranjan
MBBS, MS | 15+ years of experience

Kegel exercises cannot alone cure the problem. They help you strengthen your sexual health by building up the urethra, bladder, and bowel, as well as other pelvic organs. You need to consult a medical healthcare professional who will develop a holistic treatment plan for you.

💡 Tips

  • Be honest with your doctor and explain your problem in detail to them. You can always let them know about your apprehensions regarding certain treatment options and ask them to change them at any point.
  • If you are comfortable, you can also request your partner to opt for therapy. This way they will find better coping techniques and will be able to find better ways to support you.
  • It takes at least 9-12 weeks to get desired results and this number may vary based on your systems. Following your treatment plan as strictly and accurately as possible will help you get the results you want.
  • Never go for fad pills that offer quick results without any side effects. They harm you more than they do good. Remember a holistic treatment plan from a trusted doctor is the best way to treat ED.

⚠️ Warning

  • Please talk to a doctor before taking any medication.
  • Remember that every treatment differs from person to person depending on the severity of the condition.

See what our users are saying

"I like that Rocket Health has actual doctors prescribing medicines which is personalised to you. Before this I used to be super confused with so many products in the market." — Ashish

"ED is linked to the perception of failed masculinity. Therefore, most Indian men prefer to hide and do not seek medical treatment. It's unfortunate because it's a condition that can be easily treated."

"I never gathered the courage to go to a hospital and tell them about my sexual health issues but accessing such a private consult made me feel comfortable"
— Hardik

"We recently got married and were facing issues with our sex life and didn't know who to talk about it. It was really tough to find the right treatment as there are so many different products available online. Finding Rocket Health gave us access to doctors who prescribed us to the right medicines." — Meghna and Puneet

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