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January 12, 2024


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ADHD and ODD: What's the connection?

Unlock insights into the intricate relationship between ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Learn about shared symptoms, treatment strategies, and the importance of early intervention. Trust Rocket Health's expert guidance for a more supportive journey through ADHD and ODD complexities.



Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) are two distinct but often co-occurring mental health conditions that can significantly impact a person's life. Understanding the connection between ADHD and ODD is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment. While they are separate diagnoses, there is a substantial overlap in symptoms, and individuals diagnosed with ADHD are more likely to develop ODD.

A brief overview of ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by patterns of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that interfere with daily functioning. There are three main subtypes of ADHD, with individuals presenting as predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, and a combined presentation, which involves features of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.

Symptoms of inattentiveness include difficulty sustaining attention, making careless mistakes, forgetfulness, and being easily distracted. Symptoms of hyperactivity manifest as excessive fidgeting, restlessness, and an inability to stay seated. Impulsivity is evident through hasty decision-making, interrupting others, and difficulty waiting one's turn.

ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood and can persist into adolescence and adulthood. However, this does not mean that an ADHD diagnosis cannot be made in adulthood. While the exact cause of ADHD is unknown, identified risk factors include environmental and genetic factors. These risk factors include premature birth, low birth weight, maternal smoking during pregnancy, family history of ADHD, family conflicts, and even socio-economic status. 

A brief overview of ODD

ODD is a behavioural disorder that commonly co-occurs with ADHD. ODD is characterised by a persistent pattern of defiant, disobedient, and hostile behaviour toward authority figures. Individuals with ODD often argue with authority figures, don’t comply with rules, deliberately annoy and irritate others, and blame others for their mistakes. They exhibit irritability, vindictiveness, angry mood, and developmentally inappropriate negativistic and defiant behaviours. This pattern of behaviour significantly impairs social, academic, and occupational functioning.

ODD typically emerges during childhood, with symptoms becoming more apparent in interactions with parents, teachers, and peers. While ODD is more common in children, it can continue into adolescence and adulthood if left untreated. A childhood onset of ODD is associated with poor outcomes in adults and has been linked to higher levels of criminal and violent behaviour, antisocial behaviour, and substance use disorders. ODD is also associated with Conduct Disorder (CD), but lacking the characteristic dissocial or violating acts associated with CDs. The exact cause of ODD is not well understood, but a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors is believed to contribute to its development.

The connection between ADHD and ODD

ADHD and ODD frequently co-occur, meaning that individuals diagnosed with ADHD are at a higher risk of developing ODD. ODD is comorbid in 50%-60% of children who have been diagnosed with ADHD.  The relationship between the two disorders is multifaceted and complex. Some researchers posit that the impulsive and hyperactive symptoms of ADHD contribute to the development of ODD, as individuals may struggle to regulate their emotions and behaviours.

Furthermore, the difficulties individuals with ADHD experience in maintaining attention and completing tasks may lead to frustration and defiance, which are hallmark features of ODD. Conversely, the disruptive and oppositional behaviour associated with ODD can exacerbate the challenges already present in individuals with ADHD, creating a cycle of mutual reinforcement.

Individuals with ADHD and ODD have a significantly worse prognosis than individuals with either ADHD or ODD to develop anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, conduct disorders, and antisocial personality disorder with age. 

The shared symptoms and challenges in ADHD and ODD

ADHD and ODD share several common symptoms, contributing to the challenges in distinguishing between the two disorders. Both conditions can manifest with difficulties in impulse control, emotional regulation, and social interactions

The overlap in symptoms can make it challenging for clinicians to make a clear-cut diagnosis. A comprehensive assessment is crucial to differentiate between ADHD, ODD, and other co-occurring conditions. Understanding the unique characteristics of each disorder is essential for tailoring effective interventions and treatments. Screening for comorbid disorders is essential when a diagnosis of either ADHD or ODD is made, so treatment can be tailored accordingly and early interventions can be made. 

Treatment approaches

The co-occurrence of ADHD and ODD presents unique challenges in designing treatment plans. A multi-modal approach that combines behavioural interventions, psychoeducation, and, in some cases, medication is often recommended.

Behavioural therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and parent management training, can be effective in addressing the specific challenges associated with both disorders. 

No matter how old the child is, experts say it’s the first step toward successfully managing ADHD symptoms.Behavioural therapy isn’t psychotherapy or play therapy. It focuses on actions, not emotions. It can teach the  child how to turn negative, disruptive energy into positive thoughts and actions.With young children, some therapists use play therapy, which uses play as a way for the child to talk about their experiences and feelings.

CBT helps individuals identify and change their negative thoughts and behaviours. CBT also explores mood variations, anxiety, self-image, and other emotional concerns the child might present with. Parent management training equips parents with strategies to manage challenging behaviours at home. This includes positive reinforcements and accentuating the good that the child is doing, being enthusiastic, and generalising the effects of therapy to newer environments. 

Parenting a child with both ADHD and ODD requires patience, understanding, and consistency. Establishing clear and consistent rules, providing positive reinforcement for desired behaviours, and implementing effective consequences for problematic behaviours are essential strategies. It is crucial for parents to collaborate with mental health professionals to develop and implement a tailored intervention plan that addresses the unique needs of their child. Collaborative problem solving with the children can also be helpful in helping them handle frustration, be flexible, and be more adaptable. They can come with solutions or decisions that work for themselves and the family. This helps rescue familial conflicts and ease any “problem behaviours.” Family therapy can also be considered. 

Medication, particularly stimulant medications like methylphenidate and amphetamine, is commonly prescribed for ADHD. While stimulants can address the symptoms of ADHD, their impact on ODD symptoms is less clear. Non-stimulant medications, such as atomoxetine, may be considered as an alternative or adjunctive treatment.

The importance of early intervention

Early intervention is paramount for individuals with ADHD and ODD. Identifying and addressing these disorders in childhood can significantly improve long-term outcomes. Early intervention may involve a combination of psychoeducation, behavioural therapy, and, in some cases, medication. These screenings can also be implemented in paediatric doctor’s offices. 

Schools play a crucial role in supporting children with ADHD and ODD. Individualised education plans (IEPs) and accommodations can help create a conducive learning environment that addresses the specific needs of these students. Educating teachers, school staff, and peers about ADHD and ODD can foster understanding and reduce stigma.


ADHD and ODD are distinct but often co-occurring disorders that present unique challenges for individuals, families, and clinicians. The intersection of symptoms, shared risk factors, and the potential for mutual reinforcement highlight the need for comprehensive assessment and tailored interventions.

Recognizing the early signs of ADHD and ODD, understanding the interplay between the two disorders, and implementing effective treatment strategies can significantly improve outcomes for individuals affected by these conditions. By addressing the unique needs of each individual, mental health professionals, educators, and parents can contribute to the development of healthier, more fulfilling lives for those with ADHD and ODD. The team of psychologists and psychiatrists at Rocket Health can aid in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD and ODD. 


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McMenamy, J. et al. (2012). Early intervention in pediatrics offices for emerging disruptive behaviour in toddlers. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 25(2), 77–86.

Noordermeer, S. D. S., Luman, M., Weeda, W. D., Buitelaar, J. K., Richards, J. S., Hartman, C. A., Hoekstra, P. J., Franke, B., Heslenfeld, D. J., & Oosterlaan, J. (2017). Risk factors for comorbid oppositional defiant disorder in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(10), 1155–1164.

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