Last updated:

February 22, 2024


 min read

Why am I Crying for No Reason? A Therapist’s Guide

Discover why you might be crying for no apparent reason and learn how to cope with underlying physical or emotional factors with this therapist's comprehensive guide.

Reviewed by
Kanika Shekhawat
Written by
Shruthi Chacko

Yes, tears may be an emotional release, allowing us to process loss or even overwhelming joy.  But crying out of the blue? And are you constantly crying? Then it's most likely a hint of something else that requires your attention. 

Why do we cry?

Tears come in three types : basal, reflex, and emotional.

1. Basal tears are essential to eye health. They prevent eye dryness and protect vision.

2. Reflex tears form in response to irritation. When anything gets into our eyes, our tend tend to produce tears to wash the particles away.

3. Emotional tears occur when we experience intense emotions such as sadness induced by grief or sorrow, happiness, or joy. Many animals, like us, cry to keep their eyes healthy, but emotional crying is unique to humans.

Why do I cry for no reason?

Everyone is different in terms of how easily, often, and why they cry.  For instance, babies and young children cry when exhausted, hungry or frustrated, as they can’t express any other way. Teens may cry more because of hormonal changes, while adults may cry more during times of extreme stress or sadness. Although crying is a normal reaction to emotional triggers, feeling as if you're crying for no cause can be concerning. There are several major reasons why this can occur:

  1. It's about your physical health

Before blaming your psychological health, if you are suddenly crying all the time and for no apparent cause, start with the basics: a health check. Hormonal changes or imbalances, which can be linked to thyroid disorders, pregnancy, and menopause (in fact,'menopause anxiety' is a real problem). Other causes of crying include neurological concerns. This may involve emotional lability, which occurs following a stroke.

  1. You're exhausted

When some people are exhausted, the first thing that goes is their emotional control. If you are suddenly stressed and it is interfering with your sleep, the first thing you should do is address the situation. Learn about healthy sleep hygiene and begin saying no to social gatherings that will keep you up late. There will be other things to go to once you are rested up and back on the path, and better miss a few parties than being consumed with the exhausted emotional outbursts. 

  1. You aren't being honest about what's bothering you

It's possible that you're crying for a genuine reason and are simply in denial or convincing yourself, "You're handling it." This could be work-related stress, such as passive bullying. It could also be a parenting issue or a marital challenge. Have you experienced bereavement in the past few years? Grieving takes time. Or have you lost something essential to you but are telling yourself you're 'being ridiculous' for experiencing any emotion over it? A career, a companion, a treasured object, or a social circle you depended on?

  1. Old trauma seeks attention

Sometimes what bothers us is an old beast coming out to play. In other words, childhood trauma. But, why now? Repressed memories and emotions might become buried in our unconscious. But imagine something buried in soil. Over time, each time it rains or someone goes by, a layer of dirt is knocked off. Finally, the buried object is exposed. Old traumas remain the same. While a recent 'bigger' trauma, such as an accident or a breakup, can set it off, it can simply be the result of a long sequence of mild stressors.

  1. Indication of Mental health conditions

Crying more frequently or without knowing why may indicate a mental health condition such as depression, postpartum depression, or bipolar disorder. If you are concerned that your crying is caused by a mental health condition, consult a doctor or therapist. They can help you understand what's going on and guide you the best way to cope with it. PBA (  Pseudobulbar affect ) is a condition that results in uncontrollable crying or laughter. It can impact individuals affected from Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, or a stroke.

How to cope with crying for no reason?

Your life experiences may influence how you deal with or cope with stress in everyday life. Mental health professionals mostly believe biological factors or gender differences (such as a family history of depression) can raise the risk of depression

Regardless of why you're crying, you're not alone. Crying can be healthy, and if an underlying cause or contributor exists, it may be necessary for you to address it.  

Furthermore, whether face-to-face or online, mental health therapy or psychiatry can be a significant resource for identifying the cause of tears and other physical symptoms. It may help you in developing healthy coping techniques for daily challenges. 

Online Therapy Can Help with Emotions

If you need someone to talk about stress, sadness, anxiety, frequent crying, or another concern, getting in touch with a therapist may be helpful.  Online therapy is often less expensive than in-person counselling. 

It is normal to feel frustrated by life's challenges, and your therapist can help you in examining the facts of your situation in order to achieve helpful progress. If you wish to seek help, consider using a portal such as Rocket Health for individual therapy or couple's therapy. 


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Lokko, H. N., & Stern, T. A. (2016, July 21). Crying: Differential Diagnosis and Management Strategies. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders.

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What is postpartum depression? (n.d.). UNICEF Parenting.